Enhancing Seismic Performance of Steel Bridge Piers with Rocking Mechanism and Friction Damper: A Finite Element Simulation Study

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student



This study presents a novel rocking system for pier highway bridges that aims to minimize damage to the pier and reduce residual drift. A three-dimensional finite-element (FE) simulation was used to evaluate the proposed system. The finite element models were subjected to lateral cyclic loading to study the re-centering system, stress concentrations, and deformation. The system consists of a tubular steel column and a friction damper that absorbs energy through friction at low lateral displacements (drift less than 3%) and plasticization of the dissipator plate at large lateral displacements. The system operates on a two-level hysteresis, eliminating the need for tendons and utilizing only the gravity load for re-centering. The finite element analysis demonstrated that the re-centering of the system was achievable without the need for tendons, and the system could return to its original position (up to 5% drift) without significant damage. Although the friction damper is the only element that goes beyond the elastic state, the remaining components remain in this state.

The proposed system achieves a self-centering ability via rocking and eliminates permanent deformations. Moreover, the system is relatively easy to construct, maintain, and retrofit, in addition to the aforementioned benefits. Therefore, this novel rocking system is a promising solution for pier highway bridges, potentially improving their seismic performance while reducing maintenance and retrofitting costs.


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